They Did I Can Too

Audio from an interview with Joana Alarcão


They Did I Can Too showcases the historical contributions made by Black, Asian and Mixed Race individuals here in the UK, many of whom we are not taught about or made aware of in mainstream education. We acknowledge these Champions (our term!) who are far too often overlooked in mainstream UK history classes in favour of teaching focusing on slavery and Black American history (obviously important but not the same experience.

The UK has a rich history which includes the presence of Black Asian and Mixed Race peoples throughout the centuries who were born here or settled on these shores. The individuals we’ve featured have made fantastic contributions locally, nationally, or internationally. We’ve also included foreign individuals who studied or lived in the UK and people who’ve lived interesting lives. Check them out here.

There are career ideas to set or help reset you on your Champ journey and also articles, some written by people like you, in our views section.

Although born in south London, They Did I Can Too’s team and contributors are based throughout the UK. The website’s been created as a resource – we hope that you ‘see’ yourself in the individuals showcased and are encouraged to tap into your own talents and creativity.

Got a question or comment? We’d love to hear from you – click here to leave a message.