Sara Forbes Bonetta was born in west Africa in 1843 into a prominent family, her birth name was either Aina or Ina. She became Queen Victoria’s goddaughters. When she was about five years old Bonetta was held captive by King Ghezo of Dahomey after her parents were killed during an invasion.
Royal Navy Captain Frederick E Forbes arrived in West Africa in 1850 to meet with King Ghezo. When they exchanged the customary gifts, the King offered Aina as a gift for Queen Victoria. Captain Forbes agreed to take Aina, he renamed her Sara Forbes Bonetta after himself and the ship he captained HMS Bonetta.
Queen Victoria took a shine to Bonetta so became her godmother. Bonetta wasn’t suited to the English weather and became unwell so was sent to Sierra Leone’s more favourable climate where she was educated for four years before returning to the UK at age twelve.
Bonetta was married off to the wealthy Nigerian businessman Captain James Davis when she was nineteen, they had three children. one boy and two girls. They named one of their daughters Victoria - after her godmother.