To our Allies - Even Small Gestures Matter

Black Lives Matter image Black and white EXPOSED GREY SQUARE.jpg

Silence is a killer.

We need brave souls to call out racism, to stop staying silent, to step up and speak out.

We need to have honest, open conversations about conscious and unconscious racism, discrimination, and white privilege - however uncomfortable.

We need white allies to stand up for and represent Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic individuals whose concerns, when voiced, are disregarded, and judged as being ‘too sensitive’ - invalidating not only the individual’s feelings but in effect the person themselves.

We need white allies to choose not to get offended when racism is mentioned and to resist the impulse to judge whether the issue raised is ’valid’, in their opinion, before engaging in any meaningful discussion.

We need white allies to do the right thing, not looking for praise or applause. Just to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do. Even small gestures matter.

Most of all white allies in years to come, when looking back at this time which side of history would you have stood? What will you say to your unborn children and grandchildren when they ask – where were you? What did you do?   

#blacklivesmatter #evensmallgesturesmatter

Click here for resources from BLM.

Commentary by Ng

Commentary pieces are articles written from the authors viewpoint – their opinion, their perspective.

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Taste Is Not A Matter Of Race

