Join Us at Art Club - the theme is fantasy/dream destination!


It seems like human nature to want to escape our everyday lives to somewhere different, often exotic and intriguing to us. I think it’s fair to say this feeling of wanting to escape has been exacerbated by being in lockdown for the last few months. With this in mind we decided to run another Art club with the theme of fantasy/dream destinations. Be creative with your ideas for this, it doesn’t necessarily need to be an entirely real destination, it could be a mixture of elements from different places or perhaps an island you made up.    

As an example, here is a photo taken of me on holiday in Devon during August 2020. I really love this photo in it’s original format, the colours are beautiful and I liked the way I am almost a silhouette in front of the sea and sky. Being from a big town I love visiting the beach and being near the sea. My holiday is in England this year as travelling further this year wouldn’t appeal in the current times we’re in. To me this is an ideal destination for escape from a constantly busy world which can sometimes leave me feeling burnt out. I have edited this photo digitally using Adobe Photoshop, I added a couple of gradients to make it more dreamy and also a rainbow filter and some multicoloured flowers because it really was a beautiful and special escape that was almost other worldly from “normal life”. 

I want to remind you that you don’t need to be an incredible artist to take part, you just need some imagination and enthusiasm.  Whether you’re interested in digital art or traditional drawings or paintings we’d love to see your creations. We’d also love to encourage you to send in photos which represent your fantasy destination too. These can be photos of previous destinations you’ve been to or perhaps photos that have inspired your ideal destinations.  As well as being creative with your ideas feel free to use different tools to create shapes and textures as well as pens and pencils.

Please also send a short description of your artwork and how it represents the theme to you with your artwork. We like to show the art you send in on our website and our Instagram page. If you want to send your artwork in but you’re 13 years old or under please ask an adult to send it in for you. Send your artwork to

We look forward to you joining us at Art club and showing us your entries!

Article by Andrea Lewis


Black History Month


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