Lockdown Artclub Entries


A selection of Lockdown inspired Artwork received (with comments if provided)


First the little ones - let’s hear it for the children!!

Abstract artwork

“Sparkle Like a River”

“Long Sparkle, Long Glow'“

By Lady K - who chooses to continue sparkling - age 7!

The Spoons

Although people were not able to meet up spoons could, so here are ‘Spoony People’!

Fantastic spoons by Martha Lewis and Edward Lewis, both 5 years of age!

Many thanks to Edward, Martha and Lady K.



“I have always been a procrastinator, but for some reason, having an abundance of time on my hands made me think that would all change; that I would turn into some sort of fountain of productivity, churning out creations and new-found talents like some sort of robot, when the reality was something quite different. I haven’t felt like doing those things, and that’s okay. I did, however, draw this simple little picture the other day, and I’m pretty happy with it”. 🙂 

By Hannah Collman

For You

By Kelechi


“I have been theming my small sketches around my idea of an adult version of ‘Alice in Wonderland’, which has always been my favourite childhood book and a huge influence throughout my whole life. 

Alice herself has always appeared rather isolated in her real world and disappears into her own world.

I feel if Alice was an adult in the time of lockdown in this world that this would very much be her form of escapism”.

By Marnie Cummings

Many thanks to Marnie, Kelechi and Hannah.



By Emma

Tinted Coloured Raindrops

“Lockdown has me looking through tinted coloured raindrops”.

By Sharon Atkins


“Deeper thoughts”

By Tony Charles


By Uc


“in the darkness a bench appears swinging from a cherry blossom tree….”

By Emma



By Sharon Atkins

Many thanks to Sharon, Emma, Uc and Tony.


A big ‘THANKYOU’ to everyone who sent in artwork and to Andrea for introducing the very first They Did I Can Too Artclub!

Keep your eyes peeled for the next Art Club project.


The Pressures of Arranged Marriage


Make It Make Sense!