‘Hello’ Art club entry

Emma Window view INSTA.jpg

Sometimes there’s so much chaos, you pretend it doesn’t hurt, but you feel tears stream down your cheeks and your heart tighten, and your breath comes to a staggering halt.

That’s right…you are hurt. You want to run far away from the hurtful truth, but you can’t escape it’s grasp.

You close your bloodshot eyes and let yourself go.

Your mind goes blank.

It’s silent.

It’s beautiful.

There’s no more chaos.

I’m free? You think to yourself, but you hear a faint whistle in the darkness. A bench appears swinging from a cherry blossom tree, the ropes singing a rusty song with each movement. A man with a fine silhouette sits on the edge.

Who’s that?

He turns his head towards me, patting his hand on the bench to the right side of him signalling me over. Frettingly, I stagger closer. I sit down next to him waiting for his next move.

Why am I here?

I look back at his face. It shows nothing.

The soft glimmers of the moonlight cascaded on a black void of nothing embodied into a human face. A face that held no story……yet filled with understanding and care. It was calming.

I could breathe again.

This was peace.

I smiled.

I wasn’t hurt or scared anymore.

I gazed up at the stars and became one with the cool breeze of the winter night. And soon enough I became a dark silhouette of the beautiful world as well.

Artwork and story by Emma


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