Volunteering Goes A Long Way

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There’s nothing more disheartening than getting a rejection for a job because of not having enough or lack of “experience”. I’m sure there are many who can agree that the job application process can be quite gruelling and frustrating at times. Being told that you don’t have enough experience is often met with the inner response of “how can I gain experience if I don’t get hired by a place or for a role that would provide me with experience?!”


I believe the answer is through volunteering. Sure, volunteering is not paid work however it can come with perks! Still confused? Okay, keep reading...


Time is a valuable thing which is why it’s important to utilise time the way you want to. Volunteering can be a fruitful experience and I don’t just mean that random two week work experience you do at a retail shop in Year 10. You can find volunteering experiences that cater to the avenue and industry you want to go into! For example, want to work in radio? Look up your local community radio show and ask if they need any volunteers behind the scenes. If you love talking, you might even be able to get your own show/slot! Being a volunteer at a community radio show already provides you with things such as:


●     Free media training in audio (editing / producing)

●     Technical skills (equipment spec, setting up, sound control)

●     The chance to build your confidence (talking to people / presenting)

●     Skills in leadership, research and more!


What if you’d like to work in events? Although the world of live events seems like a pipe dream at the moment, you can still get involved in the events industry. Finding organisations who have adapted digitally, currently running online events and who may need extra hands on things such as admin, comms, social media promotion and marketing etc. What about venues who also want to showcase a great online programme for their beloved supporters? Can you find acts that would be perfect for those? Of course you can, if you want to be an artist booker or just have a passion for supporting artists and great independent venues!


Joining a Young Producer’s scheme can provide the mentoring, contacts and platform for you to bring your event ideas to life too. Getting involved will not only set you up for events in person (when that time comes around and it’s safe to do so again) but give you a head start for a future in an industry you’re excited about too!


Worried about not being able to work from home? Never fear, there are still volunteering opportunities for those who prefer to use their own workspace. For my budding journalists, is there a blog/website/paper you’ve always wanted to write for? Why not contact them or similar publications? Most of the time, there are always opportunities for writers to join these teams however, if there isn’t a place that discusses the things that you care about (this can range in topics from fandom related things and trivia to history, music and politics) then creating your own blog is also another great volunteering opportunity. Remember, this is YOUR future and you can mould it in any way you want to.


Volunteering is a commitment but please don’t be scared because it is meant to be flexible around every individual. I truly believe if you want to gain the experience, you will know how much time you can commit or dedicate to learning and developing. Volunteering is another way to bulk up your CV and give you a further confidence boost in your skills. It will help you persuade your future bosses (unless you’re your own boss and pitching to funders...but that’s another story for another time - you’re still awesome FYI) immensely on why you ARE the person that can do the job and do it well.


Volunteering can also be fun; you can meet like minded people (build a network of contacts or make friends for life) while participating in something that you really care for. In some ways, volunteering can be good for improving your mental health too. If you enjoy being outdoors or like to be active, why not volunteer at your local running club or gardening centre?


Volunteering does allow you to exceed and progress in a short space of time too; you could be training your own volunteering group which again shows your future employers that you can potentially become a manager (if you’re applying for a non managerial role) and that you are a dedicated team player.  


There are so many more avenues that the world of volunteering can introduce you to and I understand it can be overwhelming at first, therefore I’ve supplied a few links below which I hope prove to be helpful resources to you!


Volunteering Matters (for those who’d like to help during COVID-19)

Vinspired (excellent source of information and regular volunteering opportunity listings. I highly recommend Vinspired as I’ve got a few volunteering opportunities in my younger years through them!)

Do IT (a search engine for volunteering opportunities)

Reach Volunteering (another great source for volunteering opportunities and general advice)


Please note that if you do find a volunteering role or opportunity that you like the sound of, it is highly recommended that you research into the company that is advertising before applying! Volunteering should be a very safe experience, first and foremost.


I owe a lot to volunteering for work and personal reasons. I am incredibly lucky and grateful for the doors it’s opened for me including my current role in the music industry as a Label Assistant. While it’s been hard at times to navigate the working life during the current climate, I still do not think I would be in this position without my voluntary experience.


So future stars of the world - go forth, step into the light of volunteering and give yourself another chance to develop your skills. I guarantee that you’ll be fired up and ace that dream job interview when the time comes around again!


Commentary by Jules



A BIG THANKYOU to all of our volunteers!


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